domingo, septiembre 16, 2012

Nos perdonan? Forgive us?

Espanol: Hola chicos! Como estan? Suponemos que bien! Bueno, directo al punto, queremos disculparnos por no haber escribido, ni tenerlos al tanto de nada recientemente, hemos estado muy ocupadas ultimamente, y para devolverselos le vamos a escribir grandiosas noticias que hemos visto durante todo este ano, esperamos que las disfruten! Los queremos mucho!

English: Hi guys! Vas happenin?! Yeahhh, we said it! Sorry we have a directioner illness recently... So yeaah. Hope you're all feeling good, wish you all the best. We just wanted to say that we're super hiper sorry for not writing recently. We've been super hiper mega not-happy busy these days.. So for giving back to you guys, we're going to give you all the news we've seen lately... so yeaaah hope you enjoy it!!


miércoles, enero 04, 2012


Español: Desde el rompimiento de esta sincera y poderosa cantante Demi Lovato con Joe Jonas, Demi ha tenido la oportunidad de demostrarle al mundo de que siempre tenemos que creer en nosotros y nunca criticarnos, este video esneña lo mucho que ella se empeña para crear un cambio en el mundo, Demi eres un ejemplo a seguir, de siempre confiar en nosotros mismos! A pesar de todo!! y que siempre nos tendras a tu lado! TE AMAMOS DEMI!

English: Since the break-up of this sincere and powerful singer Demi Lovato with Joe Jonas, Demi has had the opportunity to show the world that we always have to believe and never criticize us, this video shows how much she strives to create a change in the world and make people realized how wrong they have been (BULLYING). Demi you are an example to follow, to always rely on our own! Despite everything! And that we will never be alone in the bad moments and the good ones, there we will be someone who cares and understands us. WE LOVE DEMI!